It's Black Friday. CHLY is a nonprofit. Amazon Isn't. We need your support.


Today is Black Friday. One of the most important weekends for not only small local businesses (please support them), but also massive multi-national corporations that one day will be colonizing Mars (oh hey Amazon) to avoid paying their taxes. We know Black Friday is still less of a "thing" here in Canada, but never the less, we know your email is probably full of Black Friday deals trying to capitalize on your desire to 'save money' by spending it on deals.

In the nonprofit world though, it's also one of the big days (extending into the weekend) to make a fundraising ask for end of the year giving.

CHLY is a nonprofit that depends on your support via donation. By making a donation to CHLY you are subscribing to what we do and showing your love. Kinda like an old school newspaper, and increasingly the model of most web-based media organization.
If you're looking for a way to avoid putting money into the hands of Amazon, and you don't need a physical "thing" in your hand or in your space, please consider making a donation to the station.

We still have $9958 to go for our Fall Fund Drive, and every dollar spent by you to support us goes a long way to improving our station and sound. I know we need to look at replacing or mixing board pretty soon, so your support would be hugely appreciated.


Jesse Woodward
Executive Director
CHLY 101.7FM.

Jesse Woodward