Advertise your Election Campaign
Our station offers advertising packages for varying budgets to candidates, political parties, and their election campaigns. Advertising on CHLY is a great way to connect with community-minded listeners who do not regularly tune in to commercial radio broadcasters in our region!
Political Advertising Policy
IMPORTANT: The advertisement must be voiced by the candidate for elected office, or for third-party advertisers, their own voice talent.
Except for the Elections BC required “Authorized by…” message, our staff and volunteers will not voice political advertising.
Election Law
Federal (Elections Canada) Requirements—All election advertising by registered parties, candidates and third parties must contain the necessary authorization messaging stating who authorized the ads. This must be included in your script at the end of your advertising message.
Election advertising in an electoral district is not allowed on election day before the close of all polling stations in that district.
Provincial (Elections BC) Requirements—Disinformation is prohibited by Elections BC. Election advertising is also prohibited on the Final Voting Day. Advertisements must contain the necessary authorization messaging required by Elections BC. This must be included in your script at the end of your advertising message.
Authorize Examples include the following:
“Authorized by John Smith, financial agent, 604-123-4567”
“Authorized by Ray Lee, financial agent,”
Broadcasting Act
IMPORTANT: Political advertising must comply with the Federal Broadcasting Act. CHLY-FM will not broadcast any material that tends or is likely to subject an individual, group, or class of individuals, to hatred or contempt on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, or sexual orientation.
CHLY-FM reserves the right to not accept advertising or sponsorships from organizations or individuals whom the station believes are dealing with the public in a discriminatory manner or are not acting in the public interest.
Equitable access to advertising
This service is offered to all candidates and political parties and is available at the same cost to those seeking to advertise.
Sales Inquiries
Interested in running a political advertisement on our station? Contact us with the form below and we will get you a quote to you as soon as possible.
Need to contact our Sales Coordinator about a sale already in progress? Contact them at