Upcoming Trainings

Finished your orientation, and looking for training? Join a training session! Training sessions vary in length depending on the training, with some modules only taking half an hour, and some taking longer.

Our current dates and sessions are

  • Thursday - 2024-09-26 at 3:00 PM: M1. Intro to the Music Department & M2. Digital Music Intake

  • Friday - 2024-09-27 at 3:00 PM: M1. Intro to the Music Department & M2. Digital Music Intake

  • Friday - 2024-09-27 at 12:00 PM: M1. Intro to the Music Department & M2. Digital Music Intake

  • Thursday - 2024-10-03 at 2:00 PM: B1. Broadcasting 101 & B2. Technical Operations

  • Friday - 2024-10-04 at 2:00 PM: B1. Broadcasting 101 & B2. Technical Operations

Please sign up with the form on this page.

If those training session dates and times do not work for you, we can look to schedule a one-on-one orientation.

Our current Trainings

Music Library Training

  • M1. Welcome to the Music Department: An overview of what Music Librarians do, responsibilities, explicit music where we get music and curation.

  • M2. Music Intake digital submissions: Once we find music we want to process, how do we do it? Metadata, tracking singles, explicit songs, and filing music into the library.

  • M3. Music Intake for physical media (COMING SOON): Physical media. We still have it on the shelves, and people still send it to us. How do we process it?

On-Air Training

  • B1. Broadcasting 101: The Law, Logging Music, and Station Policies.

  • B2. Technical Operations: Technical Operations of the on-air booth.

  • B3. Producing: Planning and developing a program.

Production Training

  • P1. Getting tape: Our equipment, recording in the field, and over ‘the phone’.

  • P2. Basic Audio editing and production: Standards and best practices.

  • P3. Intermedia Audio editing and production (coming soon).