Evening News Update for April 23, 2020

NANAIMO—There is a second, but smaller outbreak of COVID-19 at another poultry processing plant in BC. Two cases of the virus have been confirmed at the Superior Poultry Plant in Coquitlam but more are expected. Superior Poultry is the sister plant of United Poultry, which was closed by public health on Monday, after 28 workers there tested positive for the virus. One more case has since been confirmed at that plant in Vancouver. BC's Provincial Health Officer says local health authorities are inspecting more plants and she's planning to meet with representatives from that sector in the coming days.

Concerns over outbreaks at industrial sites like the poultry plants have prompted Dr. Bonnie Henry to recommend factories and farms that house their workers, appoint an infection control coordinator, so that quick action can be taken if an outbreak occurs. Henry says BC is seeing large outbreaks that are discovered too late. In addition, she is calling on businesses like hair salons and tattoo parlours that are now closed to think about what steps they need to take to ensure they have the right equipment and COVID-safe standards in place if restrictions are relaxed over the summer months. And, Henry is asking all British Columbians to think about who in their circle is more vulnerable to the disease. For example, she says someone returning to work may have grandparents looking after their children. Henry says if that's the case, the parent should not allow playdates because that risks bringing the virus into the grandparent's home. 

COVID-19 has claimed the lives of four more people in long term care homes on the lower mainland. There is one new case of the virus in the Island Health Region, and 29 new cases, province-wide. Two of the new cases are in acute care hospitals. One at Lion's Gate in Vancouver and the other at Ridge Meadows Hospital in Maple Ridge. No patients have been affected so far. Henry says the staff member at Ridge Meadows was infected by her partner at home, who was a worker at the Kearl Lake oil sands project near Fort MacMurray. 

And finally, the Dr. Henry Fluevog Shoe is on sale now. The two-tone pink Mary Jane style pumps are inscribed with Dr. Henry's oft-repeated phrase "Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe." The designer shoes cost $339 but all proceeds from the on-line only sale will be donated to Food Banks BC.


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