Policy Updates for Spring 2024

The Radio Malaspina Society’s Board of Directors has ratified several new policies for the operation of CHLY 101.7FM, and the organization. The new policies fill previous gaps in policy. They are the following:

The Interim Policy and Its Ratification policy authorizes the Executive Director to, where necessary, create interim policies for the operation of the station. This policy is then reviewed by the governance committee before formal approval or overturning by the board of directors. The board may also choose to let the interim policy stand without ratification, and refer it to the governance committee for further review and feedback before ratification.

The Personal Belongings Policy sets a policy on personal items being left at the station by volunteers, and the loaning or donation of personal items for station use. It also clarifies the station’s position on the abandonment of personal belongings at the station.

The Station Access Notice outlines behaviours not acceptable at the station that will result in visitors being asked to leave, or potentially banned from the station’s premises or events. Filming or recording of station staff and volunteers without their consent is not tolerated.

Existing organization policies can be found on the governance page.

Jesse Woodward