Joe Pugh returns to Midcoast Morning
📷 Joe Pugh on-air in the studio. Photo by Jesse Woodward.
Pugh a veteran at Nanaimo’s non-profit station
CHLY 101.7FM is thrilled to welcome back Joe Pugh as host and producer of its news and current affairs program Midcoast Morning. Joe is taking over the role as current host Lauryn Mackenzie moves into an interim full-time role as an LJI Reporter at CHLY. He previously served as host and producer of an earlier version of Midcoast Morning in the summer of 2021.
Joe has a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences from the University of Guelph, and a graduate certificate in Radio and Media Production from Humber College. In addition to his past work at CHLY, he has written for the Entertainment and Education Departments at CBC News. He also produces People First Radio which airs on CHLY as well as CFUV in Victoria and and CFMH in Saint John, NB.
You can tune into Midcoast Morning on CHLY 101.7FM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 a.m. It’s also available wherever you get podcasts.
Pending funding renewals and community fundraising for our Nonprofit Newsroom Project, Joe Pugh will host Midcoast Morning until the end of March.
Midcoast Morning is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada’s Radiometres program. If you would like to see Midcoast Morning continue as a project, please support it with a donation.
Midcoast Morning and Joe’s position is funded by the Community Radio Fund of Canada’s Radiometres program. If you would like to see Midcoast Morning continue as a project, please support it with a donation.