Notice of Special General Meeting 2024

Monday, August 26th, 2024, 6:00 PM

Online via Zoom.

The Radio Malaspina Society Board of Directors has moved to hold a Special General Meeting online via Zoom. This meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, August 26th with meeting sign-in starting at 5:30 PM, and meeting business starting at 6:00 PM. It was originally scheduled for August 19th.

Unless you are a guest, you must be a member to attend this meeting, and a voting member to vote and count toward the meeting’s quorum.

IMPORTANT: Please click on the button below to register for the SGM. Only Voting Members attending the SGM will be eligible to vote.

Membership and eligibility to vote

Voting Members: You must be a current Voting Member to be eligible to vote at the SGM. Non-voting members are welcome to attend, but cannot vote.

Student Members: If you were enrolled during the Spring Semester, Summer Session at the Nanaimo campus of Vancouver Island University you are considered a Student Member and are not required to pay for a membership to be a Voting Member.

If you are a VIU student enrolled for the Fall Semester but were not enrolled for the spring or summer, you are not yet considered a Student Member or Voting Member.

Community Members: Your Community Membership may be expired so please renew! Membership runs from May 1st through April 30th of the following year. If you were previously a member for at least 6 months of the last 12 months, but your membership has expired, you can renew your membership at to be a Voting Member at this meeting. New Community Members signed up after July 20th, 2024 will not be eligible to vote as they are not yet considered Voting Members (see our membership page for details).

To keep your membership up to date, it is recommended that you set your membership payment to automatic annual renewal. If you're unsure as to whether or not your membership is up to date, please reply back to this email to check your status. Alternatively, call the office at (250) 716-3410 during office hours, Monday to Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM and ask for Executive Director Jesse Woodward.

Community Members already on month-to-month Sustaining Donor plans of $5.00 or higher do not need to renew their membership as their monthly donation pays for their membership.

Voting information

  • Voting on meeting motions will be done via voice (a verbal yay-nay-abstain), a show of hands, or other means provided by Roberts Rules of Order. If a motion is made and seconded for a vote by secret ballot, voting will be conducted via Zoom’s polling tool.

  • Special Resolutions require a super majority of 75% to pass.

Special General Meeting business

There are three special resolutions on the agenda referred by the board of directors to the membership in advance of our Annual General Meeting.

Notice for General Meetings and Special Resolutions is 14-days notice under the Societies Act of British Columbia.

Questions may be directed to the Board of Directors via

Special General Meeting Agenda

  1. 5:30 PM - Member Sign-in 

  2. 6:00 PM - Attendance.

    1. Voting Members Present: 

    2. Non-Voting Members:

    3. Guests:

  3. 6:00 PM Meeting Commences (Quorum is 16 members of the Radio Malaspina Society).

  4. 6:01 PM - Appointment of a chairperson.

  5. 6:02 PM—Acknowledgment of Snuneymuxw First Nations territory and thanks.

    "As Vancouver Island University has a long-standing relationship with the Snuneymuxw First Nation, the Radio Malaspina Society, operating CHLY 101.7FM, would like to acknowledge and thank the Snuneymuxw First Nation for allowing us to live and learn, broadcast, and share educational experiences here on their traditional territory."

  6. 6:03 PM—Approval of Agenda.

  7. 6:05 PM—Special Resolutions: 

    • Special Resolution 1— VIU Representatives Update:

      • WHEREAS:

        The CRTC requires involvement from our associated university, and we wish to increase involvement:


        Be it resolved that bylaw 5.2. be amended from:

        “Four seats of the Board of Directors will be reserved for student members, four seats for community members as defined in Bylaw 2, and two seats will be reserved for faculty and administrative representation from Vancouver island University: one faculty member and one administrative member.” 


        “Four seats of the Board of Directors will be reserved for student members, four seats for community members as defined in Bylaw 2, and two seats will be reserved for faculty or administrative representatives from Vancouver Island University.”


        While we strive for campus administrative representation on our board, this will increase flexibility for our board, allowing two faculty members to sit when no administrative representation is available.

    • Special Resolution 2— Audit Update:

      • WHEREAS:

        VIUSU has changed their policy requiring our organization to be audited.


        Be it resolved that bylaw 4.4.1. be changed from:

         “Appointment of Auditor” be changed to “Appointment of an Accountant”


        Be it further resolved that bylaw 9.2.1 be amended from:

        “The Voting Members shall appoint a professional accountant at each Annual General Meeting to complete an audit.” 


        “The Voting Members shall appoint a professional accountant at each Annual General Meeting to complete a financial review.”


        This will give us more flexibility with our annual financial review, saving our small organization time and money. Audits are time-consuming for our small staff, and increasingly costly with inflation, eating up approximately 11% of our student fees. Our auditor has described them as overkill for an organization of our size.

    • Special Resolution 3—Line of Credit:

      • WHEREAS:

        CHLY is shouldering an increased payroll supported by grant funding, and grant funding disbursements can sometimes be delayed.


        Per bylaw 9.3.2, be it resolved that the membership sanction a line of credit of up to $20,000 from Coastal Community Credit Union.


        Per the whereas, our station is shouldering an increased payroll from grants such as Radiometres and the Local Journalism Initiative. This has largely been fine, but on occasion, it has resulted in tight cash flow as we wait for the disbursement of funds. This results in staff having to choose to cover payroll over payment of other suppliers. A line of credit from Coastal Community Credit Union would help us handle this. Beyond payroll, a line of credit is necessary to cover emergency equipment purchases. Per our bylaws, transfers from the line of credit would require the approval of two signers.

  8. 7:00-7:30 PM—Adjournment.

Jesse Woodward