20 years years ago on April 1st, what would be CHLY 101.7FM started to stream online

20 years of friendships and more

Our station has many dates that come and go every year that are akin to birthdays or anniversaries. Important dates at least. December 3rd, 1997, The date of the organization that runs our station the Radio Malaspina Society was incorporated. April 1st, 2000, the date we started streaming audio online. June 5th, 2000, the date our CRTC campus-community radio license was approved. September 21st, 2001, the date our station did its first test broadcast. October 5th, 2001, Our first official broadcast date.

So many dates that come and go sometimes noted (and sometimes not) by staff and volunteers.


This year though, things are a little different. As of April 1st, we hit 20 years of streaming online, and next year we will have hit 20 years of broadcasting on the airwaves. 20 years of ups and downs, 20 years of volunteers coming and going, 20 years of the alternative and eclectic on the Salish Sea from Nanaimo. 

20 years of friendships.

So what are we going to do? We're going to celebrate this milestone throughout this year and next year up to our official broadcast anniversary on October 5th, 2001. How are we going to celebrate you might wonder? With the uncertainty of COVID-19, it's not clear yet what we will do, but I'm sure it will be fun and will celebrate our success throughout the years.

We'll keep you posted on what we put together as we'd love to see you there.

Here's to another 20 years of inclusive, intelligent, innovative and alternative media.