CVRD invites residents to unified AAP information session January 9th
Martens said the info session is a great opportunity both to learn about the initiatives being proposed by the local government, and to participate in that process. Photo: Heather Watson / CHLY 101.7 FM
The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has sent out an open invitation to residents for an information session; the session will cover upcoming unified Alternative Approval Process initiatives. It will take place on Thursday, January 9th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the CVRD Main Office. Staff will be on hand to answer relevant questions and provide more information.
General Manager of Corporate Services Jake Martens spoke to CHLY and CVOX about the info session and the process which is unified to cover multiple upcoming initiatives at once, saving on costs and promoting greater public awareness and participation.
“We've got four different initiatives that are occurring in early January through into mid February,” Martens said, “and we've got an open house coming up on January the 9th, in which we're inviting the public to come and learn more about three of these initiatives, because the fourth has already had a separate open house itself.”
Martens explained how the Alternative Approval Process, or AAP, functions within the local political structure:
“Under an AAP, a local government, [which] could be a regional district or a municipality, they provide public notice of their intention to proceed with the adoption of a bylaw,” he said.
Martens said that the first step is public notice in a local newspaper for two consecutive weeks. After that comes a period of at least 30 days when eligible electors within the service area can state their opposition. This is done with an elective response form, either online or in the local office.
“The process itself kind of functions as what can be known as a counter-petition,” Martens explained, “in that if an elector is supportive of a given initiative, there really isn't any action on their part required, but if an elector is opposed they may then submit an elective response form to register that opposition.”
According to Martens, if 10% of eligible electors sign and submit a response form, the local government must hold a referendum to seek elective approval. If less than 10% submit forms, the local government can proceed with the initiative by adopting the bylaw.
“Electors within the service area can directly participate by registering their opposition if they're opposed or by not submitting a form if they're in favour of it,” Martens said. “Either way, this is a direct participation method for individuals, and we certainly encourage everyone to become informed about this opportunity, about the initiatives that are proposed, and consider [for] themselves whether they support or oppose these initiatives and take the necessary steps.”
Martens explained that there are two categories of electors; the first is resident electors, those who are 18 or older and live within the service area. The second is non-resident property electors, those who live outside the service area but own property within it. Martens also stated that each AAP has its own defined service area boundary, so it is important for those interested in participating to check either online or at the info session which initiatives are relevant to them.
“It's a great opportunity both to learn about the initiatives that are being proposed by the local government, and then to participate in that process,” Martens said.
The first of the three AAP initiatives being presented on January 9th will be a loan authorization bylaw for an artificial turf field at GP Vanier Secondary, Martens said. The next two initiatives are both related to changes to housing services the CVRD operates. A fourth initiative, which was presented in November, is associated with the construction of a new fire hall for the Union Bay Fire Protection Service.
Martens encouraged residents to attend Thursday’s information session, or read more online.
“There's the information session, which is coming up on Thursday, January the 9th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the CVRD Civic Room office, that's on Harmston Avenue just across from the Courtney Fire Hall. We'll have staff available to engage with residents about all three of those initiatives,” Martens said. “And then we've got detailed information also available on our website … information on each of the initiatives, the AAP process overall, and some frequently asked questions and other information available [as well].”
The unified AAP period for these four initiatives will run from January 15th through to February 18th. For more information, attend the in-person session at the CVRD Main Office at 770 Harmston Avenue in Courtenay, or read more on the CVRD website.
Funding Note: This story was produced with funding support from the Local Journalism Initiative, administered by the Community Radio Fund of Canada. Reporting done in the Comox Valley is done in partnership with CVOX.