Postal Strike Notice: for those seeking an incentive item, these items are typically mailed via Canada Post. With the current strike, alternative delivery methods can be arranged, or we will hold your incentive until the strike ends.
Why Donate to CHLY 101.7FM?
Our station is made possible in-part through the support of our community! This includes you our listeners, and local organizations and businesses that sponsor our programs! Support independent non-profit campus community radio on the Salish Sea today! Your donation supports our eclectic mix of music programming hosted and curated by real people, and our Nonprofit Newsroom Project, reporting on important local stories, public affairs, and arts and culture.
Help us raise at least $75,000 to help us with the following:
Build up our Non-Profit Newsroom Project. We need to raise $35,000 to match a $35,000 grant we've applied for to support this project through the Community Radio Fund of Canada. This project produces Midcoast Morning, our news and current affairs program.
Match wage subsidy grants from the federal government to help us offer paid internships.
Help fund our Summer Radio Camp for Youth! Your support helps us cover costs not covered by Canada Summer Jobs.
Cover core operational costs. We need to raise at least $35,000 to cover our core operational costs. EG: topping off core staff salary (who support our 65+ volunteer hosts and producers), rent, utilities, insurance, internet, etc.
Already a monthly Sustaining Donor? Email us to update your donation.
Incentive Items

Make a donation!
Make a monthly Sustaining Donation, annual, or one-time donation today!
Through our donation form on this page, we accept payments via credit card, some debit cards, and pre-authorized debit (through participating banks and credit unions) for monthly sustaining donations or one-time donations.
Memberships via a monthly Sustaining Donation
You may also pay your Radio Malaspina Society Membership by making a monthly Sustaining Donation of at least $4.25. More information on membership can be found here.
You can also modify your existing monthly donation by filling in the form here.
Sending an eTransfer?
Send eTransfers to
IMPORTANT: Please include your phone number in the comments so we can phone you for the information we need for your donation record. Alternatively, you can email your first and last name, with your home address and phone number.
Sending a cheque via snailmail?
With note with your name, address, phone number, and email (and perhaps a few nice words about what you enjoy on our station, and whether or not you’d like an incentive item), send cheques made out to “Radio Malaspina Society” to:
CHLY Fundraising
#2—34 Victoria Cres
Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5B8
If you need assistance call us at 250.716.3410 to have us take your donation over the phone during office hours. Please leave a message if we don’t pick up, we check our messages regularly.
Donor receipts
At this time, we cannot offer tax receipts for your donation. CHLY 101.7FM (The Radio Malaspina Society) is a non-profit organization but does not have charitable status. You will still however receive a receipt for your records.
Incentive Item Fulfillment
With a small staff at CHLY, fulfillment of your incentive items can take between a few weeks to a few months, depending on item availability. If an incentive (or its preferred size) is not in stock, we will put you on the waiting list for our next order. Alternatively, we can swap the item for another incentive item(s) of a comparable price.
Items available must be claimed in a timely manner.
Outside of Nanaimo? Need delivery?
If you reside outside of the Nanaimo area or require delivery, we can mail you your incentive item, but will require you to pay the postage (approximately $18 for a shirt or hoodie). Pickup from the station is free!
If you really want your item ASAP, please email us at
What do we do with your donations?
We pay our basic overhead. Your support keeps the lights on, and the internet paid, etc.
We cover current core staff costs. Our executive director and program coordinator work hard to support our volunteers.
Work to build up a strategic fund for future opportunities, like a new home for the station in the next 2-5 years.
We use it to hire students and youths. We are a campus-community radio station after all!
We use your funds to upgrade equipment. We need to upgrade our server this year.
What have we done with donor money in the last few years?
We have increased our capacity for more complex on-air programming, like local news, journalism, etc.
We have increased our capacity to get things done. We hired an Executive Director at a living wage to administer the station and gave our Program Coordinator a well-deserved raise to a living wage. We have also hired youths since 2018 with support from donors and Canada Summer Jobs.
We further developed on-air programming at CHLY like our Free Evergreen PSA program for non-profits and community groups in our broadcast community. This program provides approximately $150,000 of free air-time in the form of 30-second Public Service Announcements to promote their missions and activities.
We used donor funds to get through the lean years of the pandemic.
We’ve used it to pay down our $20,000 transmitter loan.
We used it to purchase important recording equipment for our staff and volunteers! Equipment like SONY MDR-7506 Professional Dynamic Studio Headphones, ZOOM H1n Handy Recorders, professional-grade Danon CD decks for the studio, Zoom L-8 mini-mixers, and more!