Noon Update for April 2nd, 2020.

NANAIMO —Help is on the way for post-secondary students who need financial assistance due to COVID-19. The Ministry of Advanced Education is adding $3 and a half million dollars to its Emergency Financial Assistance program. The money is for BC students who need help with living expenses, food, travel, portable computers or other supports. Each of the financial aid departments at the province's 25 public universities and colleges will receive $140,000 for distribution. In the last academic year, the total amount of the fund for all institutions was $100,000.

British Columbians who are on provincial social assistance or disability programs will see an extra $300 on their cheques for the next three months. The Minister of Social Development and Poverty says the extra cash will also be available for those receiving the BC Seniors' Supplement. In addition, Shane Simpson says the province will not claw back any money from federal COVID-19 support payments. Simpson says more than a quarter of a million British Columbians will benefit from the initiatives announced today. However, Simpson acknowledged the extra-provincial supports will not be given to British Columbians who are under the federal disability program, but he pledged to work with federal officials to try to close those gaps.

The Prime Minister will be talking with the premiers later this afternoon, to figure out the best way to distribute medical supplies that Ottawa has purchased. Justin Trudeau says today's meeting will focus on concerns among the provinces, about the shortages of ventilators, masks and personal protective equipment. Trudeau says 10 million masks have arrived at federal warehouses in the past few days and he wants the provinces to tell him what they need and how they want to receive it. BC has set up a Provincial Supply Coordination Unit that will collect and distribute supplies and equipment acquired through government purchases and donations from companies and organizations.

If you are looking for ways to beat isolation boredom, the city of Nanaimo has some suggestions: You can play "Wellness Bingo" by going to the city's Instagram page. Residents who complete and submit their completed Bingo card will have a chance to win prizes. Prizes can also be won in a contest to identify photos of Nanaimo parks. The Instagram site is @nanaimoparksandrec.


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Lisa CordascoCovid-19