Notice of Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, October 29th, 2024, 6:00 PM

Building 355 Room 203 in-person at Vancouver Island University

The Radio Malaspina Society Board of Directors has moved to hold its Annual General Meeting in person at Vancouver Island University. The meeting will occur on Tuesday, October 29th with meeting sign-in starting at 5:30 PM, and meeting business starting at 6:00 PM. Mambo Pizza will be served.

Unless you are an invited guest, you must be a member in order to attend this meeting, and a voting member to vote and count toward the meeting’s quorum.

IMPORTANT: Please click on the button below to register for the AGM. Only those attending the AGM will be eligible to vote for board members.

Membership and eligibility to vote

Voting Members: You must be a current Voting Member to be eligible to vote at the AGM. New Community Members signed up after September 28th, 2024 will not be eligible to vote as they are not yet considered Voting Members.

Student Members: If you are enrolled for the fall semester at the Nanaimo campus of Vancouver Island University you are considered a Student Member and are not required to pay for a membership to be a Voting Member.

Community Members: Your membership may be expired so please renew! Membership runs from May 1st through April 30th of the following year. If you were a member for at least 6 months of the last 12 months, but your membership has expired, you can renew your membership at to be a Voting Member at this meeting.

To keep your membership up to date, it is recommended that you set your membership payment to automatic annual renewal. If you're unsure as to whether or not your membership is up to date, please reply back to this email to check your status. Alternatively, call the office at (250) 716-3410 during office hours, Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM and ask for Executive Director Jesse Woodward.

Community Members already on month-to-month Sustaining Donor plans of $5.00 or higher do not need to renew their membership as their monthly donation pays for their membership.

Voting and Election Information

  • Voting on meeting motions will be done via verbal yay-nay-abstain, a show of hands, or other means provided by Roberts Rules of Order.

  • The election of directors will be in person via secret ballot.

This year's business

For elections this year under our staggered directorship bylaw, there are two Student Member positionstwo Community Member positions, and one VIU Representative position open for nomination.

Nominations are open for submission in advance of the Annual General Meeting and will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee for referral to the membership via the Board of Directors. The deadline for nominations is October 18th, 2024.

Those interested in running for a directorship, please see below.

Notice for General Meetings and Special Resolutions is 14 days notice under the Societies Act of British Columbia.

Questions may be directed to the Board of Directors via or to the executive director via


Run for the Board of Directors

Are you interested in joining our Board of Directors? Fill in the nomination form. Once completed, staff will circulate your nomination form via AdobeSign for the signatures of your two nominators and your own signature. You must have been a Community Member or Student Member for at least 30 days in order to be eligible to run for one of the six open seats available:

  • Two Student Members.

  • Two Community Members.

  • VIU Representative (VIU faculty or staff with a Community Membership).

Nominated Candidates

Nominated Candidates will be posted below once the Friday, October 18th, 2024 deadline has passed. An affirmative vote (bylaw 5.7.3) is required to elect each director.

Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. 5:30 PM—Member sign-in.

  2. 6:00 PM—Meeting commences (Quorum is 16 Voting Members of the Radio Malaspina Society).

  3. 6:01 PM—Appointment of a chairperson.

  4. 6:02 PM—Acknowledgment of Snuneymuxw First Nations territory and thanks.

    "As Vancouver Island University has a long-standing relationship with the Snuneymuxw First Nation, the Radio Malaspina Society, operating CHLY 101.7FM, would like to acknowledge and thank the Snuneymuxw First Nation for allowing us to live and learn, broadcast, and share educational experiences here on their traditional territory."

  5. 6:03 PM—Approval of Agenda.

  6. 6:05 PM—Approval of Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, and any Special General Meetings in the year.

  7. 6:10 PM—President's Report.

  8. 6:25 PM—Executive Directors Report.

  9. 6:35 PM—Finance Report to year-end.

  10. 7:00 PM—Appointment of accountant.

  11. 7:05 PM—Election of Directors:

    • Two Student Members.

    • Two Community Members.

    • VIU Representative.

  12. 7:15 PM—Special Resolutions (if any)

    • None submitted.

  13. 7:16 PM—General Resolutions.

  14. 7:50 PM—Any Other Business.

  15. 8:15-8:30 PM—Adjournment.

Jesse Woodward