Students in the Know, Ep. 31, April 30, 2020


In this episode of Students in the Know: Our top stories are B.C.’s state of emergency being extended, 34 new cases of COVID-19, planning for students returning to school, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on reopening the economy and there are no hotels in Nanaimo for homeless people to isolate in.

As the school year is ending, our student volunteers will be providing a top news story they reported on. We will begin with Riley Leaman interviewing Matt Dunae on how he helps with mental health awareness and helps the youth. Then Sean will provide us with our sports report, Sophia Waysilinko will provide us with our entertainment news, and Spencer Medford with will provide us with our seven-day forecast


Matthew Hoffman

Featured Speakers/Guests: 

Matt Dunae, Vancouver Island Crisis Society


Matthew Hoffmann - Producing and hosting

Riley Leaman – News reporting

Mick Sweetman - News reporting

Sean Desrochers - Sports reporting

Sophia Wasylinko – Entertainment reporting

Spencer Medford – Seven Day Forecast

Mick Sweetman