Horgan gives weekly update promises announcements soon, for tourism, transit and paid sick leave
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The latest COVID-19 numbers are in and the Island Health region continues to have no new outbreaks and just one person in hospital. However, there is one new death in the Fraser Health region. And there has been a huge spike in new cases with 21 in the Fraser Health region and one in Coastal Health. There were no details about the spike since there was no public health briefing. BC's Provincial Health Officer will present new data on what's happened in the past and what the future might hold on Thursday.
The Premier is promising announcements soon when it comes to tourism, transit and paid sick leave. Tourism is the third-largest jobs provider in BC. John Horgan says his Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture consults with stakeholders regularly and plans to announce a COVID-19 tourism strategy soon. Meanwhile, on the issue of transit, Horgan says he considers it "a checked box," now that the federal government has announced a $2.2 billion dollar pandemic relief plan for municipalities. However, municipal leaders are less impressed, pointing out the money is part of a regular gas tax payment they would receive anyway. Transit leaders say the money is already earmarked to buy buses or ongoing infrastructure projects and does nothing to help them with increased operating costs due to the pandemic. On the issue of paid sick leave, Horgan says the details are being worked out. Questions remain over which level of government will pay and how much.
Vancouver Island University is hosting a series of zoom lectures to connect students with a passion for leadership and empower diverse thinking in an ever-changing world. The 12th annual Vancouver Island Leadership Conference will be held online this year because of the pandemic. The lecture series begins on Monday and will feature Elena Sinelnikova, the CEO of Crypto Chicks, a group devoted to Blockchain technology that's used in cryptocurrency, along with Charlene Bearhead, the Educational Lead for Canada’s National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and VIU President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Deborah Saucier. There will also be workshops on yoga, nutrition and professional development as well as a flash mob is planned. For more information, google Vancouver Island Leadership Conference.
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Written and reported by Lisa Cordasco, News Director for CHLY 101.7FM.
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